Tēnā Koutou Katoa, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Bula Vinaka, Namaste, Bonjour, Fakaalofa Lahi Atu, Konnichiwa, Taloha Ni, Ayubowan, Ni Hao, Kia Orana, Salaam Alaikum, Hola, Kamusta, Greetings!

Welcome to Ōwairaka District School where we provide quality education in a very positive environment. We are a multicultural school that values and appreciates students from all cultures. We enjoy learning from each other. We are constantly striving to increase student achievement and offer students a wide range of experiences in order for them to do so.

We welcome visits from prospective parents.  Please ring the school office to make a time to come and see us.

Ōwairaka - A Special Place

Students completed an inquiry about the history of Ōwairaka.

“Wairaka was a Māori ancestor from the Mt Albert area of Auckland. She was known as one of the beautiful daughters of Toroa, chief of the Ngāti Awa tribe and captain of the Mataatua waka (canoe). Wairaka is remembered for her bravery. She was known as a strong leader of her people. Our school and our mountain are both called Ōwairaka, meaning it belongs to or is where she (Wairaka) lived”.

As a result of their research, the students produced a school pepeha. 

2025 Term Dates: 

Term 1: 3 Feb - 11 April    Term 2: 28 April - 27 June    Term 3: 14 July - 19 Sept    Term 4: 6 Oct - 16 Dec